Why We Don’t Use RealPage to Determine Rental Values

The real estate market has seen significant changes over the years, with technology playing an increasingly central role in how rental properties are managed. One of the most widely discussed tools in this space is RealPage, a software that aggregates rental data and provides pricing recommendations for landlords. However, recent allegations from the Department of Justice (DOJ) have brought to light some concerning practices associated with RealPage and the landlords who use it.

The DOJ Allegations: A Cause for Concern

According to the DOJ, RealPage and certain landlords have allegedly coordinated to raise rental prices across the country. This collaboration has purportedly led to millions of tenants facing higher rents, potentially exacerbating the already critical issue of housing affordability. The DOJ claims that this coordination may have reduced competition among landlords, allowing them to push rents higher than they might have otherwise been in a more competitive market.

This situation raises serious ethical and legal questions about the role of technology in setting rental prices and the impact on tenants. The implications are profound, particularly in markets where housing is already in short supply and unaffordable for many.

Why Oak City Properties Takes a Different Approach

At Oak City Properties, we believe in a more transparent and owner-driven approach to determining rental values. Unlike some property management companies that rely on automated software like RealPage to set prices, we leave the decision of rental rates in the hands of the property owner. We provide market insights and recommendations based on local data, but ultimately, the owner decides what rental rate is appropriate for their property.

This approach ensures that rental rates are not inflated by external algorithms or collusion among landlords. Instead, they reflect the true market conditions, the specific characteristics of the property, and the owner’s goals. We believe this is a more ethical and customer-focused way to manage rental properties, keeping the best interests of both landlords and tenants in mind.

The Real Issue: Fairness and Transparency in the Rental Market

The allegations against RealPage and participating landlords highlight a broader issue in the rental market: the need for fairness and transparency. When rental rates are manipulated by a few large players, it distorts the market and harms tenants, many of whom are already struggling with the high cost of living.

At Oak City Properties, we are committed to ensuring that our practices promote fairness and transparency. We understand that each property and each rental situation is unique, and we strive to offer a personalized approach that benefits both property owners and tenants. By steering clear of potentially manipulative pricing software, we uphold our values of integrity and trust in all our dealings.

 Why We Choose Integrity Over Algorithms

The recent DOJ allegations have put a spotlight on the potential dangers of using automated pricing tools like RealPage to determine rental values. At Oak City Properties, we choose a path that prioritizes the needs and interests of our clients and their tenants. By empowering property owners to set their own rental rates based on real, local data, we ensure that the rental market remains fair, competitive, and transparent.

If you have any questions about how we determine rental values or if you’re interested in learning more about our property management services, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you navigate the rental market with confidence and clarity.

Oak City Properties is Here to Help

At Oak City Properties, we’re here to support your real estate journey, whether you’re a seasoned flipper or just starting. We provide custom solutions and competitive quotes that tailor our services to what you really need. Our full property management service will work with you each step of the way when renting and maintaining your property. We believe hiring a property management company should be a transparent process built on trust and doing our absolute best to take care of your investment.

Want to learn more about our commitment to effective real estate investing and property management? Contact us today via the form below or call (919) 232-9222.

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